European Creative Industries Alliance

European Creative Industries Alliance

Through a competitive call, we were appointed by the European Commission for the expert panel [Policy Learning Platform] of the European Creative Industries Alliance. ECIA was a consortium driven by Amsterdam Economic Board, the Province of Milan, the Berlin Senate, the Catalan Institute for the Cultural Companies, the City of Tampere and Nantes Métropole/SAMOA. Its work was organized in four main themes: access to finance, cluster excellence, creative spillovers and innovation vouchers. The “Alliance” model was a new concept delivered by the European Commission to ensure stakeholder involvement in co-producing relevant cluster-based industrial policies. It is also about learning by doing. That is, promoting large-scale demonstrators looking for new ways of funding, promoting innovation… emphasizing the “how to do” rather than the “what to do”.

ECIA _report_Create-Innovate-Grow

A través de un call competitivo, TASO fue invitado a participar en la Policy Learning Platform de la Alianza Europea de Industrias Creativas. La ECIA fue un consorcio financiado por la UE, liderado por Amsterdam Economic Board y participado por Milán, Berlín, Nantes, Tampere y el Instituto Catalán de Industrias Culturales y Creativas. El panel de expertos, junto a estas ciudades, y desde una posición de supervisión, estuvo trabajando durante 2 años en cuatro temas: acceso a la financiación de las industrias creativas, clusters, internacionalización y creative spillovers. Sus recomendaciones finales se recogen en el informe “Create, Innovate, Grow”.


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