Our Values

  • We bring together economy and space. That´s our value proposition.
  • We feel close to Bauhaus spirit, blending strong theoretical foundation, fresh ideas and well-designed delivery formats to re-invigorate the economic development field.
  • We work on analysis and planning with an eye on the implementation framework, helping to mobilize stakeholders and resources since the beginning.
  • We are result-oriented. If not, why to invest time and money in something with poor impact?
  • We are often hired to facilitate large-scale, multi-partner projects, being familiar with most EU-funded programmes.
  • Though from a different industry, we mirror in platforms like Discipline Global Mobile (King Crimson band´s label) “a small, mobile, independent company that aspires to intelligence”.


We are what we read. So, let us share some readings we particularly appreciate:

Michael Storper at al. The rise and fall of urban economies. Lessons from San Francisco and Los Angeles. Stanford University Press. 2015.
An exemplary research on where to look at when explaining local development.

John Friedman. Planning in the public domain. Princeton University Press. 1987.
A classic and antidote against some naïve and superficial planning of today dominated by the ultimate buzzwords.

Ben S. Bernanke. The courage to act. A memoir of a crisis and its aftermath. W.W. Norton & company. 2015.
Not everyone chairs the Federal Reserve, but most public officers have some capacity to make an impact in their ambits and should realise this potential.

Richard Sennet. The craftsman. Yale University Press. 2009.
There was a time when we gifted this book to customers and friends. It´s about how we address our work as consultants.

[we promise to update the list from time to time]

Ank Hendriks, Utrecht City Marketing Coordinator

TASO did a very good and profound job here in Utrecht, improving the way we try to internationalize the 4th Dutch city

Chris Brown, former Director Marketing Liverpool

Marketing Liverpool worked with TASO on a European project. It was a very beneficial experience as we not only learnt a lot from them but also from the other participating cities

Roger Pride, Managing Partner at Heavenly

Heavenly very much enjoyed teaming up with TASO. The partnership created by Heavenly and TASO showed how consultancies from different countries can come together to deliver truly international solutions

Luis A. Díaz, Director of Gijón Impulsa

TASO has a very accurate idea on how the innovation spaces are being re-shaped under the new economy

David Melo, Invest in Bogotá

Big thanks TASO for all the knowledge shared. Your vision and guidance have been very illuminating to our adventure promoting our city internationally

Erna Ansnes, Head of International Office, City of Oslo

TASO´s insight led us from traditional marketing thinking to innovative ways of constructing the effort in branding Oslo as a destination