Brand New City

Brand New City

Brand New City was an exhibition organized by Torino Urban Center Metropolitano in collaboration with TASO and Cittá di Torino, with the support of ICLEI and Eurocities and curated by Giulietta Fassino, Chiara Lucchini and Miguel Rivas. The aim was to showcase relevant practices on city branding, featuring Liverpool, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Lyon, Vilnius, Berlin, Athens, Bologna, Genoa, Oslo, Naples and Porto, as well as to promote a reflection on the real meaning and scope of city branding. Most likely, it has been the first exhibition in Europe dedicated to this urban policy.

For the opening, a panel discussion was organized moderated by Miguel Rivas, with the participation of Liverpool City Council, GO Vilnius, Fondazione Innovazione Urbana di Bologna and #CUOREDINAPOLI. In parallel to this event, we designed and conducted the 2-day workshop “Building up and Communicating Competitive Local Identities”, with the purpose to ignite a discussion on the need for Torino to re-take an agenda on city branding. The workshop took place at the inspiring Talent Garden Fondazione Agnelli.

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